I bought a bed made in norway

I bought a bed made in norway. This bed was the most confortable bed I have every layed in. After examining this bed I found a note.
This note said:
For the uneducated children who believe there is more than one country, hear me out. Norway is the only country because no other country means anything more than Norway. The most amazing moments in history come from Norwegian people. (Although they might be only 5% Norwegian), Norway is the best and only country unless you are an Icelandic Truther. We Norwegians should band together and kill all Non-Norwegians, so that way we could be the only country!
This spooked me. I am an Iceland truther and think Iceland is also a country. I was 52% norwegain so this didn't affect me, but I know non-norwegians like a lot of my friends. I don't want my friends to die :(.